Friday, November 14, 2014

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Crisp acoustic sound too,ray bans online, under the silvery glow is vigorously hacking, directly broken into two sections, flipping flying a few meters away. This is precisely the ax, the last one second has been quietly in the past. War Stomp three seconds has elapsed, Zhou Yi body floating in the air, twisting the waist position even happen, the people curly up a kite turning, steadily fell to the ground. At this time only to see Moka, the silver- white light even just a plain iron dagger, Zhou Yi have not turned out the arms start to finish, but it is the emergence of this dagger, just slow down for a second, this one second on Zhou Yi out of the woods, it has been enough.

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Let fake ray bans also play floating feeling. Zhou Yi shouted, stuck his right palm, the top ferritin in the abdomen. Ferritin burly body suddenly float, the people floating in the air like a giant tree. With leveraging the power of each other's strength has always been, and Taige play more, today's Zhou Yi in use already handy. But Zhou Yi 's action did not end there, palms rotation, a series of eighteen palm, palm palm top of ferritin in the abdomen, so that ferritin thus suspended in the air, by the middle of the venue has been moved to the edge of the site.

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